I have done pretty good today at keeping more of a paleo/zone diet. Breakfast I had 2 cups milk and 2 scoops protein, 20 grapes, and 24 almonds. Lunch: 6 oz halibut, asparagus, mashed potatoes (I know, not very paleo but I was eating out and their wasn't much left..they also had plenty of butter so I considered that my fat), 3rd meal: 4 oz good thinly sliced beef from whole foods, apple, 20 grapes, and a mix of macadamia nuts and almonds, dinner: 8 oz crab cakes, grapes, and I'm not too sure what I am going to do for my fats yet. My last meal will be a hodge podge just to get it in my body.
Warmup: Shoulder rotations, hand stand push ups (hspu), air squats, jump rope 5 consecutive minutes.
Overhead Press 3X5 - 115 lbs, 120 lbs, 125 lbs
Overhead Press 1X20 - 75 lbs
Push Jerk (PJ) 5X3 - 135, 145, 155, 165, 175 (2 and then I had to reset my hands because my wrists were killing me and I did one last one!)
15, 12, 9
Clean and Jerk 125
Lunges (holding 20's in each hand)
Time: 8:50 I was so tired and my legs were killing from yesterday's front squats
3 rounds of 20 pull ups and 30 push ups with no breaks as fast as I could. I did all 20 pull ups strait each time.