Wednesday, June 24, 2009
1 guy vs a whole crowd
This dude is awesome! This is why I CrossFit for the small chance that I need to dominate 20 dudes at one time.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Nice Sunny Day
Today was a perfectly sunny day. It was great.
My diet has been crap because I have been feeling very cheap. Basically I've been having 3 protein shakes with whole milk and peanut butter and 2 meals a day. That is most likely stopping me from growing and getting stronger.
Today's WOD:
Before Lunch (when I was crazy hungry)
3x3 Front Squat @ 185 x 2 and 1 set of 205
I was suppose to do 5 sets but I was so hungry that I couldn't finish!
Post Lunch WOD:
5 rounds -
5 muscle ups
10 thrusters 95 lbs
Bench: 2 sets of 10x135, 2 sets of 3 x 185, fail on 205!!!, 1 set of 3x185, 1 set of 10x135
Monday, June 22, 2009
Saturday and Monday
Saturday my body was feeling the effects of the crazy Friday WOD. My traps were killing me as well as my right hamstring and butt. I still wanted to workout so I did the WOD that the gym posted for Friday.
AMRAP in 20 min:
5 hand stand pushups
10 bench press 135 lbs
15 push press 95 lbs
20 dips
I got 5 rounds. I wasn't disappointed because I was so tired and sore and I was going as fast as my muscles would let me.
Sunday was a good rest day and when I woke up this morning my traps were feeling good, but my right hamstring and butt were still pretty sore.
Monday's WOD:
3 rounds for time:
400 m run
21 kettle bell swings 53lbs for men/35 lbs for women
12 hand stand pushups
I used 70 lbs for the kettle bells
TIME - 11:09
Friday, June 19, 2009
First Friday Beat the Crap out of Ourselves Fest
Today was the first of many Friday killer WODS. Jason put together the WOD with a little revision from Justin (added MORE muscle ups) and we met at the gym at 8ish. It took awhile to stretch and get all the bars set up because this WOD had a lot of weight and a lot of different exercises that required bars.
Vi (gym owner), Jason (trainer), Justin (gym owner), Rich, Mike and I all stepped up to the plate this morning to hit it.
10 rounds:
25 calorie row (close to 500 m)
15 hang power clean 95lbs
10 push press 115 lbs
5 back squat 185 lbs
5 muscle ups
20 med ball slams 20 lbs
1 deadlift 275
Total repetitions: close to 5k row, 150 cleans (14,250 lbs), 100 push press (11,500 lbs), 50 back squats (9250 lbs), 50 muscle ups, 200 med ball slams (4000 lbs), and 10 deadlifts (2750 lbs)
Total weight moved: 41,750 lbs plus row and muscle ups
Times: Justin - 1:19:03, Vi - 1:29:10, Alex - 1:29:44, Jason - 1:39:29, Rich - 4 rounds, Mike DNF
Mike flew off the pullup bar backwards and landed on his back and nailed his head on the ground so he didn't finish and Rich was shooting for as many rounds and possible (AMRAP) in 60 min.
It was awesome.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Cool alternative workout websites
Here are a couple of other alternative fitness/functional fitness websites. They aren't CrossFit, but they pretty much use the same exercises and equipment.
This website has a whole bunch of endurance full body workouts. They seem pretty cool and I am going to start doing some of them in my own programming.
This is the same guy as Mountain Athlete, but the programming focuses on rucking, running, endurance, and strength. Its pretty cool.
This gym is actually in SLC. The owner is a mountain climber named Mark Twight. He is a different dude and has an interesting train philosophy to say it nicely. He does however post some gnarly workouts that I look at every once in awhile.
My legs are really really sore. That's what I get for not working out and being sick! Never again.
Today is a rest day for me more or less. Jason and I are trying 3 days on of working out 1 off then 2 on and 1 that means m, t, w work out thursday rest and workout friday and saturday rest on sunday.
Tomorrow a couple of us are doing a doozy of a workout. Jason and I want to do a WOD that takes roughly an hour once a week. We want to push our strength and our endurance. It will be fun.
Even though today was a rest day I still did some bench press and narrow bench press. I also did some bench press with the 53 lb kettle bells.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Im Sore
I am definitely feeling the muscle ups/clean and jerk WOD! My shoulders are feeling good and sore. I haven't felt sore from a shoulder WOD in awhile.
The gym has been busy! It has been a lot of fun. A lot of people have been coming in and pushing themselves every day. This one gal came in this evening and she is probably in her 40's and she crushed today's WOD. You could tell her legs were killing her, but she just pushed through and even beat Jason's time (Jason I hope you read this muahaha). It was pretty cool.
I also did two intros today which are fun to do. I did my WOD after the noon class.
10 rounds for time:
7 med ball cleans 20 lbs
7 burpees
Time - 6:36
Bench: 4 sets of narrow 135 lbs 12, 12, 8, 8 reps...3x3 185, then I did 2 sets of 165 8 times
Dead Lift: 2 sets of 225 lbs 12 times...3x3 295
Monday, June 15, 2009
Back at it
Whitney and I moved back to SLC because it feels more like home now and we wanted to be close to my siblings. I was really sick for the first 2 weeks that we were here. I had a gnarly sinus infection and I got some steroids and an antibiotic to fix the problem. Today was my first day hitting a real WOD in about a month!
I have done some strength stuff, but I had been feeling too crappy and nauseous to do any metabolic exercises. I definitely lost some weight, which is crappy.
It is really nice to be back in SLC and to be working/training at SLC CrossFit. I love it there. I love the gym, equipment and the people. The other trainers there are just awesome and I really look up to Vi.
I want to get into some of the crazy trail runs that these guys do so that will be fun to do as well.
The gym WOD was 'Nasty Girls' today and I had been planning on doing muscle ups (video of muscle up here) so I did my own ladder WOD. I helped out with the 12 o'clock class and I ended up doing probably 15 muscle ups then and those were my first muscle ups since leaving SLC 6 months ago. They felt pretty solid.
1,2,3,4,5 Muscle Ups
2,4,6,8,10 Clean and Jerks 135 lbs
So, I did 1 muscle up and then 2 c&j, then 2 muscle ups and 4 c&j and so on.
It ended up being 25 muscle ups (not including the 15 or so I did earlier) and 50 c&j for time -- 16:51
My muscles felt good, but I was WINDED! Not training for a month plus the altitude killed me. Im glad to be back.
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