Monday, November 23, 2009

Lower back is hurty

My lower back is really tight and sore from Friday's OneWorld WOD....7-1 Muscle Ups and DL @ 275 right after I did my 335....not too smart on my part.

Today's WOD:


Squat 265 x 3 x 5 & 225 x 2 x 5 (to practice form)

I wanted to go for 275 3x5, but my back is too tight and I racked it and wasn't feeling it at all.

  • Snatch - 70% x 3 (95); 75% x 2 (100); 80% x 1 (110); 85% x 1 (115); 80% x 1 (110); 75% x 1 (100)
  • Clean & jerk - 70% x 3 (145); 75% x 2 (155); 80% x 1 (165); 85% x 1 (175); 80% x 1 (165); 75% x 1 (155)
  • RDL - 55% (of back squat) x 8 x 4
  • Hanging leg raise - 3 x 15
3 rounds of max pull ups

3x5 press @ 120

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Good week

This past week was my first week with my gym open. It was fun. It was slow going, but it was fun when people were coming in. I also had a good training week. I hit 335 dlx5 and 275 squatx5.

I have figured out a training program for myself. I have wanted to find a balance between power, speed, and raw strength. The raw strength stuff comes from The power and speed comes from Catalyst Athletics. I have to do the Olympic lifts in order to stay explosive and fast.

Each week I will squat twice 3x5, press 3x5 once, bench 3x5 once and deadlift 1x5 once. I will also follow the WOD that Catalyst posts each day for my Oly work.

If the CA WOD has BS in it then I will obviously not do them or I will do them in a high bar BS position and scale the weight.

The 70sbig work will be done before the CA to ensure my full strength. I will have to eat a ton and drink a ton of milk to support this workout scheme. I think it will be a good balance.

I guy named Ricki, from Las Vegas, came into my gym on Friday and Saturday. He is 32 and is a former competitive power lifter, now competitive Olympic lifter. He is probably 5'8" and weighs 200 lbs. Solid. He is wicked strong. Anyway, he does 12 legitimate work outs a week. I want to call him and get a break down of his weekly training programming.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

BS PR and a Metcon

I was practicing some form stuff on my BS even after doing 3x5 on monday and my legs felt good. I decided to push the weight and see what happened.

260x5, 265x5, 270x5. 265 & 270 were both PRs! Next week I am going to do 270x2x5 and 275x5.

21, 15, 9
SDHP 115lbs
Overhead Lunges 45lb plate two count


Monday, November 16, 2009

Squat and Press

Squat: 3x5 @ 260 It didn't go up nearly as easy as I thought it would. I definitely did not eat well enough yesterday and today. I am going to try it again a little later this week and see if it goes up easier.

Press: 3x5 @ sucked and my press is seriously stalled

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009

70s Big

I love

It is a great website and I laugh a lot reading it. It is about eating A LOT and building muscle through strength and not hypertrophy.

My numbers have been steadily increasing and I am definitely getting bigger (yes a little chubbier, but that comes with all the food and milk) and stronger.

Deadlift yesterday: 325 x 1x5

Squat and Bench today:

Squat - 250 x2x5 and 255x1x5

Bench - 205x3x5 and 185x1x5

Tomorrow it is time for a little MetCon.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Bench & FS

95x5, 135x5, 185x3, 210x5x3

Last week I did my 5x3 at 205. I moved up 5 lbs this week and it felt easier than last week. I have been doing pretty good at getting between 3/4 to a gallon of whole milk a day and that has been helping for sure.

135x10, 155x5, 165x5, 185x3, 195x3x5, 185x3x3

I did 205 last for my PR. I didn't have a spotter today and my right should was feeling really weak, so I figured I would do 195. It felt pretty easy, so that's why I did the 185 at the end.

5x20 Ring Push ups

4x15 Dead Hang pull ups

Monday, November 2, 2009

Overcoming Shoulder Pain

I have had some serious shoulder pain for the past two weeks. I have had a lot of clicking and pulling for over a year, but it really started hurting a lot recently. I was researching rotator cuff injuries, but I think something is just legitimately inflamed. I warmed up a lot before my WOD and it felt fine and my shoulder still feels good and its 630 at night.

95 x 5, 135 x 5, 145 x 3, 155 x 2, 165 x2, 175 x 1, 185 x 3, 205 (f), 205 (Huge PR)

Front Squats:
135 x 2 x 5, 185 x 3, 205 x 5 x 3 (they went up slow, but didn't feel hard)

115 x 3 x 5, 120 x 5, 125 x 5, 130 x 5, 135 x 3 (pr), 140 x 2 x 2 (pr)

6 rounds:
10 dead hang pull ups
20 pushups

I was driving to the gym today listening to my most favorite song in the world (bagpipes Goin' Home) and I saw in the distance a hearse driving slowly in the right lane. I had a feeling immediately that it was a military personnel. I sped up to see and in the back laid some brave individual that gave their all serving the greatest country on earth. The flag was respectfully draped over the coffin. I felt extreme gratitude for that individual's service, sorrow for that person's family, but I was also so sad that I am not apart of that brotherhood that I so badly want to be apart of.

God Bless the Sailors, Soldiers, Airmen, and Marines that serve every day.