Saturday, September 12, 2009

Friday and Saturday

Friday: Rocky Mountain Qualifiers Final WOD
Get 7000 pounds from the ground to overhead any way possible

I chose to do 74, 95 lb snatches
Time - 7:43 (really slow and sucky)

Saturday: Really tired
5 rounds
400 m run
12 Deadlifts 265

I didn't keep track of my time was I was still coaching peter and running alongside of him. The deadlifts felt easy though, which was good.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Catch Up

I don't really remember what I have done this week. Yesterday I had a great hard one.

4 rounds:
65lb Overhead Lunge 100 ft
30 box jumps
20 pull ups


20 rep CrossFit Total:
Squat: 165 (should've gone higher)
Press: 80
Deadlift: 245
Total: 490

Next time I'll break into the 500's

Today: 5x3 Jerks
135, 155, 185, 185, 190

Bent over row:
135 (15 reps), 155 (10), 175 (7), 185(6), 185 (6)
5x5 @ 115
Same weight as bent over row because I didn't want to switch around all the weight.

Tomorrow is a great day of remembrance. I will certainly never forget and I will make sure that my kids and grandkids will always show great respect to the victims and towards to soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines that fight every day in Afghanistan.

It frustrates me that the press and the government try to shift the focus of Afghanistan to creating a democracy instead of the truth. We are their to get rid of the people who hate everything about us. And I am completely fine with getting rid of them.

God Bless America

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Good WOD today. I did bench press and Elizabeth no more than 3 minutes rest inbetween.

Bench: My bench was pathetic today. I truly have no idea what was going on, but I felt weak and the weight was not moving as fast as it should have been. Last week or last time I did heavy 185 was EASY. So, I don't know what was going on.

135x10, 155x5, 185x5 (really crappy and pathetic), 195x3x3 (I was super frustrated)

Elizabeth right after.
21, 15, 9
Cleans 135 lbs
Ring Dips

Time - 10:38

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


75 Push Press 95 lbs...penalty if you drop or rack the bar..penalty=250 m row
Time - 7:20

 185x10, 225x10, 255x5, 275x5, 295x3, 305x1 (I wanted 3 but I knew after 1 that it wasn't happening) 300x3, 300x3, 295x3, 275x5
GHD Situps: 2x15, 1x15 with 15 lbs, 2x15 with 25 lbs, 2x30 no weight
Power Cleans: 3x5 @ 125 lbs

Later in the day:
2 x 500m Row first one 1:37 PR then 1:42
Bent Over Row: 1x10 115, 2x10 135