Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I did Diane today with a bunch of extra stuff. I felt ok. I felt much stronger on the deadlift part than on the handstand push ups. Usually I am really good at handstand pushups but my shoulders were bailing on me pretty quickly.


21, 15, 9
Deadlifts 225
Handstand Pushups

Time: 6.53

5 sets of dead hang weighted pullups:
10 x 20 lbs
8 x 25 lbs
6 x 35 lbs
5 x 53 lbs
3 x 53 lbs

Strict shoulder press:
4 sets of 8: 115lbs

Friday, May 15, 2009

Catching Up

Wow I've been way crappy at updating my blog.  I took a rest day I think on Tuesday, but other than that I have worked out every day.  I can't really remember what I did on Wednesday though.  

Thursday I did a classic CF exercise called Linda.  It is also called the three bars of death.  The WOD is:

For Time:
10, 9, 8, 7...1 
Deadlift: 1.5 x body weight
Bench Press: body weight
Cleans: .75 x body weight

Right now I weigh about 135-140ish which is pretty consistent for me.  I wanted to do a little over the Rx'd weights so I did:
DL: 255
Bench: 155
Clean: 125

Time: 14:03

Today's WOD:

5 Rounds for time

15 wall ball
15 kettle bell swings (70 lbs)
15 pull ups

Time: 9:50

I then practiced a bunch of double unders because I am not too good at them and I felt like I was getting a little more comfortable with them.  

I then did some push jerks:

135 x 10
135 x 10
135 x 10
155 x 6
165 x 3
175 x 3
185 x 1

My shoulders are sore.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday's WOD

Today was alright.  I wanted to do a semi-heavy WOD today.


5 rounds for time:

5 hspu (hand stand push ups)
10 deadlifts 255 lbs
15 kb swings 53 lbs

Time: 10:53

I went back to the gym later in the day and did some press, pp, and pj.  

I can't remember the weights I did, but I finished push jerks with 185 lbs x 3

Saturday, May 9, 2009

I finally ran

I went in today to help with the morning classes at the CF gym.  More people showed up than I thought would so that was pretty cool.  The one thing that I am always let down on each and every time I go there is the lack of intensity that the people bring.  Each persons intensity is relative to them, but when they aren't huffing and puffing and wanting to do nothing the rest of the day then they did not push themselves enough.  

I would say MAYBE 1 in 20 semi push themselves at this gym.  Its probably just the gym atmosphere because the other coaches don't encourage and yell at the people to push them.  I definitely do though and I always get people coming up to me thanking me for pushing them and helping them.

In between stuff I did some standard press, but after I left I wish I had done a heavy fast MetCon.  All day I've been thinking about it and its been bugging me!

I have been planning on running for awhile and since I got my Nike 3.0 frees for my birthday I can now run in comfort.  I ran at Whitney's parents house on their treadmill and just popped a movie on.  I wanted to get 13.1 in under two hours and I was well on my way, but I wore the wrong underwear and my legs started rubbing so bad they almost started bleeding.  They still kill.  I finished with 9 miles in about an hour and 5 minutes or so.  I am going to run the half marathon next week with the right underwear!  

I also went shooting today with my HK for the first time in about a year.  I just got one box of 9mm.  I still got it so that was good.  I also looked at some carrying size handguns for the future when I have some cash to get my concealed permit and a carry gun.  I love the Kimber Ultra Carry II 1911 and I also looked at the Springfield XD .40 subcompact, which is a lot cheaper, but much bulkier.  I'll probably just save up and get the Kimber some day.   

Friday, May 8, 2009

3 WODs

When I was going to SLC CrossFit I just kinda hung out there quite a bit and would end up doing way too much working out.  I would get restless and start doing one WOD after another.  

Well that is happening again.  I go into NW CrossFit and help out in the morning and there is a break between 10-11 so I was just going to do one WOD.  Well, one turned into 3 and some extra at the end.

WOD #1:

4 rounds:
5 clean & jerks 155lbs
10 pullups
15 box jumps

Time: 9:42

WOD #2:

3 Rounds:
10 Front squats 135 lbs
8 push press 125 lbs
15 ring dips

WOD #3:

3 rounds:
6 Thrusters 135 lbs
15 kb swings 70 lbs
20 push ups

I forgot to time myself on the last two WODs, but I went as fast as I could and I didn't take any breaks inbetween WODs either...I switched up the equipment and started right back up again.  

I got a new book yesterday and read it in one day.  I loved it.  It's called, The Mission, The Men, and Me Lessons From a Former Delta Force Commander.  It has some cool missions obviously, but also a lot of great leadership information as well as common sense decision making tips.  Its a good book, I'm going to read it again.

I am going to start running again.  Before I left for bootcamp I was running pretty regularly.  With the possibility of me going back into the military I want to start running/rucking and getting my legs used to miles again.  

Monday, May 4, 2009

Twist on Fight Gone Bad

Today at NW Crossfit I did a twist on Fight Gone Bad with another guy.  I was coaching some people and this dude came in and the owner of the gym told him to do today's CFFootball WOD.  He looked at it and said yeah and wanted someone else to do it with.  So, the owner, Jake, called me over to do the WOD with this guy.  This other guy is probably 6'4" 205.  Pretty big fit guy.  

The idea behind Fight Gone Bad is that it mimics a MMA fight of 3 rounds of 5 min. of constant work.  So, the WOD has 5 different elements and you spend 1 min at each element keeping track of the number of repetitions that you complete for each element.  You then total the number of reps for each round and add them up for a total Fight Gone Bad score.  

Normal Fight Gone Bad is: 75lb Push Press, box jumps, rowing (counting calories), wall ball, and sumo deadlift high pull.  

Today's Crossfit Football Fight Gone Bad was: Box jumps, Double Unders, Push Ups, Rowing, and Thrusters 95lbs.  

The other guy today got a total score of: 339

I got: 420

The owner of the gym got: 309.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Cindy mania

When I was at the Cert this past weekend, Andy Stumpf mentioned the need for LEO/Military guys to occasionally push themselves for longer than normal MetCons.  He said that he as a SEAL will do 1 hour or so MetCons every other week or so.  

I have been focusing so much on strength and I wanted to see how my conditioning was today and if I could push past the pain mentally and keep going.  

Cindy: A traditional Cindy is as many rounds as possible in 20 min of -- 5 pullups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats (hip below the knee).  When I do a real Cindy I usually get 32 rounds or so on average, which isnt too bad.  

When I started today I wanted to get 60 rounds of Cindy in an hour...well I couldn't hold back enough and I thought I was pacing myself, but in the first 20 min I still did 30 rounds, then I got to 60 rounds at 44:53 and finally I was starting to slow down and I ended up getting 76 rounds in an hour.

76 rounds

Pullups: 380
Pushups: 760
Squats: 1140

Get Some