Friday, October 30, 2009

Squats and Bench

45x5, 95x5, 135x5, 155x3, 185x3, 225x2, 235x3x5 (just below parallel), 185x3x5 (butt touch calves)

Bench: 95x5, 135x10, 155x5, 185x3, 195x2, 205 x 3 x 5 without a spotter.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sore Shoulders

  • 3-position clean (floor, knee, mid-thigh) - 70% x 2 sets; 75% x 2 sets --------- 140, 150
  • Snatch deadlift - 100% (of snatch) x 7 x 2, 100% x 5 x 3 ---------- 150 (I need to do some heavy DLs soon)
  • Front squat - 65% x 6; 70% x 5; 75% x 5; 80% x 3 x 2 ------------ 160, 170, 185, 200
  • Press - 5 x 3 ---------- 125 (really weak and sore)
I have some pretty sore shoulders. I am not too sure why , but I sure did feel weak today.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Rest Day

Rest Day. My shoulders are sore for some reason. I drank A LOT of egg nog...I suck at diets.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

FS and Cleans

  • Power clean + 2 clean - 65% x 2 sets; 70% x 3 sets -------- 130, 140
  • Snatch balance - 60% x 3 x 2; 65% x 3; 70% x 3 x 2 -------- 80, 90, 95
  • Push press - 75% x 5 x 5 --------- 135
  • Front Squats - 70% --------- 170

The front squats felt good, so did the cleans. The weight on the snatch balance was easy, but my balance was off. It didn't feel heavy overhead I just felt off a little. The push press was really easy.

I haven't had time the past two days for metcons. I need to make up for it tomorrow.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Ran out of time

Today was a busy day. I didn't have enough time to finish the whole WOD because I went down to check out my gym and then I had the evening classes. I got through most of it, but not all of it. I also wanted to do a metcon.

  • Power snatch + 2 snatch - 65% x 2 sets; 70% x 3 sets --------- 90 & 95 lbs
  • Jerk - 70% x 3 x 2; 75% x 3 x 3 ---------- 145 & 155 lbs
  • Clean pull - 90% x 7 x 4 -------- Didn't get to this one
  • Back squat - 60% x 8; 65% x 8; 70% x 6; 75% x 6 x 2 ---------175, 190, 205, 215 lbs
  • V-ups - 3 x 15
My left knee has been hurting. I know it is not something new because it has been nagging me for about 2 years, but it has just been nagging me a lot more lately. I was able to squat pretty good today though.

The gym is looking pretty awesome.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Diane again

I wanted to do today's Catalyst WOD, but I didn't have enough time and blake brought one of his coworkers down to the gym to try out CrossFit. He is a fit guy and has messed around with circuit type strength training.

We did Diane today.

21, 15, 9
Deadlift 225
Handstand Pushups

Time - 5:26 PR (old time was 5:55)

I'll do today's Catalyst WOD on Monday and play catch up this week.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Tinkering with my diet

So far I am at 1900 calories for the day and that is with the 6 cups of milk. I have dinner and then a before bed meal still.

I have already done a bunch of hypertrophic bench press today:
135 x 10
155 x 10
165 x 3 x 10

When I go back to the gym I will do today's Catalyst WOD and a mini metcon if I have time.

  • Snatch - 75% x 2, 80% x 1 x 4 ------- 110 & 115
  • Snatch pull off riser - 85% x 4 x 5 --------- 125
  • Snatch push press - 87% x 4 x 2, 87% x 3 x 2 --------- 130 (painful but not hard)
  • Back squat - 87% x 3 x 5 ---------- 250 modified to a 3x3 it felt really heavy and my left knee was having some weird pains
  • Weighted sit-up - 3 x 10 -------- 45

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Day 2

Whenever I eat healthy I am always so incredibly hungry. I eat pretty much all day long and I miss my nice fatty yummy food that makes me full.

My diet today:
2 apples
6 oz chicken breast
1 whey protein shake (not as a meal replacement)
1 can of tuna
2 plums
couple spoons of almond butter
home made beef yellow curry (no rice)
--this had yellow curry paste, coconut milk, lots of beef, bell peppers, onions and fish sauce
2 hotdogs without the bun
last mini shake with 1 scoop protein, 3 tbs coconut milk, and 2 scoops mixed frozen berries

And I'm still hungry...I need to eat more in the morning and noon time.

  • Hang clean - 75% x 2 x 4 --------- warmed up with 95 and 135 / working set @ 155
  • Snatch balance - 80% x 3 x 2, 84% x 2 x 2 --------- warmed up with 45 & 95 / working sets @ 120 &125
  • Push press - 89% x 3 x 4 -------- 155
3 rounds
250m row
30 push ups
Time - 4:13

Snatch balance video

I created a food log to keep better track of my intake. I want to eat healthy (paleo) while eating enough protein and calories to keep building muscle. This website, fitday, has a very easy to use and customizable system.

Today's food log

I am happy that I am getting enough protein, but it was definitely work. I am worried about how low the calories are though. I would rather be in the 3000 range, so I am pretty far off from that.

I think what I am going to have to do because I don't want to spend a ton of money to eat more and more is have around 6 cups of whole milk a day. It is cheap (not paleo) but it isn't terrible for me. I think I will still be able to lose my chub from the GOMAD diet, maintain my weight, and gain strength. We'll see.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I am so chubby right now! Last week I was doing great with the GOMAD diet and I felt bigger, but not chubby. Well, one week has made a huge difference & I am soooooooooo chubby! No more for me! There are other ways to get big and strong and ill take those over GOMAD.

So, I am drastically changing my approach to a strict paleo for this 8 week block with the exception of the weekends. I am going to have a minimum of 150 grams of protein, only carbs from fruit and veggies, and good fats. By doing this I will ideally cut that chub back off and still get bigger because of the quality of food and the large amount of protein.

Catalyst Athletics:
  • Clean & jerk - 75% x 2, 80% x 1 x 4 ------------I warmed up with 135 then used 155 & 165 for the working sets
  • Clean deadlift - 113% (of clean) x 4 x 5 -----------I used 230 lbs
  • Front squat - 89% x 2 x 5 --------I didn't know my FS 1 RM so I chose 225, but I think I can go a little heavier than that. However, 89% of 225 is 200 and that was HEAVY! I did that for the 1st set and had to go down to 185 for the second set.
4 rounds for time:
10 m sprint x 4 (back and forth, touch floor at each end)
15 kipping pull-ups --------------- Time - 4:04

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Picking a program

My problem right now is that I get serious ADD and can't stick to a strength program. I get bored of strength programs, but I also know that I really need to hit one hard to see some better CF gains.

I am going to stick to Catalyst Athletics for 8 weeks. So, starting tomorrow the 21st of Oct until the 21st of December I will hit Catalyst HARD with some short fast metcons. I am not sure how much longer I am going to be on the gallon of milk, but that will last at least 2 weeks longer.


I hate rowing.

3x15 ring dips.

1x25 normal dips, 2x5 dips with 36lbs, 2x5 w/ 53 lbs, 2x5 w/ 72 lbs, 1x25 without weight

Power Cleans:
warmed up with the bar and with 95 lbs
3x5 with 135 (easy), 1x5 with 145, then a bunch of singles at 155, 165, and 1 at 175. I seriously suck at power cleans. I should be able to do at least 205, so I just need to practice them more and figure it out. I should be able to do sets @ 185.

Then did rowing intervals at 200 m with a 3 min rest with Jason. I wanted to figure out which setting was the best for me. The first one was at 3, then next 5, 7, 9. I got the same time across the board (38 seconds) but the best was the 3 and 5. The 7 and 9s I was so incredible tired. I hate rowing.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Pretty good day

Back squat, press and mini metcon day..

Last week I was nursing a seriously painful rip/back strain. I was able to bench press and press last week but that was it.

On Saturday I did the new hero WOD, Tyler RIP.

5 rounds
7 muscle ups
21 sdhp @ 95lbs
time - 12:42

Todays WOD:
3x5 back squat @ 245 (went up easier than last strength cycle)

5, 5, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, and then max reps at 95lbs
105, 115, 120, 125, 135, 145, 145

Mini Metcon:
3 Rounds
30 situps
20 ring dips
10 pull ups
time - 4:38

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Strength Again

Another strength day....these get boring, but they are necessary

Bench press:
2x10 @ 135 & 155
5x5 @ 175
1x10 @ 135

2x10 @ 135 & 185
1x5 @ 225
3x5 @ 275 (easy), 285 (easy), 305 (pretty easy which felt awesome).

1000 m row - Time - 3:34 (I suck at rowing)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Today was a pretty good MetCon

5 rounds:
7 handstand push ups
15 kb swings 53lbs
30 air squats

Time - 11:35

Then Pete and I messed around on the bucket/pommel horse thing.

Finally, we each did one set of max rep pull ups. Peter got 30 and I got 45. My grip failed, but my pullup muscles weren't hurting at all. On a smaller bar I could've gotten A LOT more. My goal once I get my pullup bar set up in my gym is 75. I think I can totally do it. I'll video tape it.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Back at the Heavy

I feel small and weak and have to get over my issues with eating big to get big. I want to put of some serious weight and I just need to stick to the eating part of it.

I want to be a mini-CrossFit version of Doug Young

Today's Strength stuff

Press 3x5:
115 for all three sets

Squat 3x5:
225 (easy, but I'm choosing it as a restart point)

Pull ups 3x10:
10 lbs for all 3 sets

Monday, October 5, 2009

Snatch WOD

Snatch WOD with Peter today. It is starting to get cold and for the first time in a long time I felt like I actually needed to do a legitimate warm up. Buuuuuuuuuut, I didn't really warm up and just wanted to start.

5 Rounds -
Row 200 m
10 snatches 95 lbs
15 box jumps 24 inches

Time - 18:26

Time to get back on track with blogging.

CrossFit Sandy is getting close to opening. It has been taking longer than I thought, but finally it is coming together. The plumbing is being put in this week and then HVAC, electrical, bathroom, walls, and paint!

So far I have some family members, a couple friends, and Blake might have a guy or two from his work that will be coming to my gym. I think membership will come pretty quickly, I'm not too worried.