Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I hate rowing.

3x15 ring dips.

1x25 normal dips, 2x5 dips with 36lbs, 2x5 w/ 53 lbs, 2x5 w/ 72 lbs, 1x25 without weight

Power Cleans:
warmed up with the bar and with 95 lbs
3x5 with 135 (easy), 1x5 with 145, then a bunch of singles at 155, 165, and 1 at 175. I seriously suck at power cleans. I should be able to do at least 205, so I just need to practice them more and figure it out. I should be able to do sets @ 185.

Then did rowing intervals at 200 m with a 3 min rest with Jason. I wanted to figure out which setting was the best for me. The first one was at 3, then next 5, 7, 9. I got the same time across the board (38 seconds) but the best was the 3 and 5. The 7 and 9s I was so incredible tired. I hate rowing.

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