Sunday, November 22, 2009

Good week

This past week was my first week with my gym open. It was fun. It was slow going, but it was fun when people were coming in. I also had a good training week. I hit 335 dlx5 and 275 squatx5.

I have figured out a training program for myself. I have wanted to find a balance between power, speed, and raw strength. The raw strength stuff comes from The power and speed comes from Catalyst Athletics. I have to do the Olympic lifts in order to stay explosive and fast.

Each week I will squat twice 3x5, press 3x5 once, bench 3x5 once and deadlift 1x5 once. I will also follow the WOD that Catalyst posts each day for my Oly work.

If the CA WOD has BS in it then I will obviously not do them or I will do them in a high bar BS position and scale the weight.

The 70sbig work will be done before the CA to ensure my full strength. I will have to eat a ton and drink a ton of milk to support this workout scheme. I think it will be a good balance.

I guy named Ricki, from Las Vegas, came into my gym on Friday and Saturday. He is 32 and is a former competitive power lifter, now competitive Olympic lifter. He is probably 5'8" and weighs 200 lbs. Solid. He is wicked strong. Anyway, he does 12 legitimate work outs a week. I want to call him and get a break down of his weekly training programming.

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