Monday, April 20, 2009

Rare sunny Seattle day

It was a rare sunny day today, but when its sunny there isn't a prettier place than Seattle.  The dogs are loving playing outside and they are beat by the end of the day, which is awesome.  Cookie has turned into quite the escape artist though!

Whitney came and worked out again with me today.  She did her first 'Cindy,' a Crossfit original.  It is:
20 min AMRAP:
5 pullups
10 push ups
15 squats
Whitney did great.  She got 13 rounds!  She substituted jumping pullups and kept a great pace for the entire WOD!

My WODs:

Strict Press: 105x10, 115x7, 125x4, 135x3 (PR), 95x10

4 rounds for time:
5 deadlift 245 lbs
10 push press 115 lbs
12 pull ups

Time: 9:00 flat


  1. so when you say 9 minutes that means you did the 5 deadlift 245 lbs
    10 push press 115 lbs and
    12 pull ups


    And Whitney did
    20 min AMRAP:
    5 pullups
    10 push ups
    15 squats

    x 13?

    You two are amazing! I just began my choreography for my hip hop class that starts next week; wish me luck!

  2. Yeah so I finished my entire work out in 9 min flat...and whitney did 13 rounds of her work out in 20 min. So the point of Whitneys work out is to do as many rounds as possible in the 20 min. time limit. And the point of my workout was to do the 4 rounds as fast as possible.

  3. thanks for the clarification....I may give this a shot sometime!
