Wednesday, April 29, 2009

NW Crossfit

I went and took the firefighter's Washington exam this morning and then drove to Greenlake to see NW Crossfit -- Greenlake.  The guy that owns it has another branch in Bellevue and is opening another in Seattle somewhere.  He said he would most definitely love another coach and wants to see how I like his gym for the next couple weeks.  

I went to the Bellevue branch in the evening and did my own WOD and then watched/helped with the evening classes.  They don't really have as much structure as I am used to from the other affiliates that I have been to.  

Tomorrow I am going to visit Crossfit Eastside and see what they say.  I went and did a WOD at their affiliate when I first got to Seattle and I liked their box and they definitely knew what they were doing.  I'm interested to see what they have to say.

I'm going to go to a morning class at NW Crossfit tomorrow to help and workout.

Today's WOD:

Standard Press: 125x5, 135x5
Push Jerk: 145x5, 155x5, 175x5, 185x3(PR)

6 rounds:
200m row
15 pullups
8 Thrusters 135 lbs

time: 13:38

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